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2022 Spring Main
EET2400/Lecture/2S01 - Robotics I | Credits 2.00
This course gives a project oriented introduction to the field of robotics. It will guide the student through the challenges of robotic construction and various methods and languages of programming. Since types of robots vary widely, the course will focus on common elements that are found in all robotic applications: drive train mechanisms, sensory mechanisms and circuits, manipulators and other external effectors, and control and programming methods. The course will begin studies of robotic manipulation, their characteristics, and how they are controlled. Each student will program a robot for prescribed assignments and apply various external effectors to accomplish design solutions to typical robotic problems. Humanoids and industrial applications and programming will be introduced and discussed in preparation for more advanced studies in specific robotic applications. 2 Cr Hrs. Course Requirement(s): EET1000.

Registration Type Traditional
Fees Lab Fee $90.00 (Fee Group All)
Instructors Hua, Feng
Duration 3/7/2022 - 5/7/2022
Schedule Mon Wed  12:00 PM - 1:50 PM;  Marion Technical Col, Bryson Hall, Room 144
Prerequisites EET1000 / Lecture <min grade = C, min credit = 2.00>
Corequisites N/A
Credit Types Credit DevEd Transfer
Class 12 Seats | 7 Remaining

Primary population and other student populations allowed to register for this course:
 Primary Population# Others Allowed# Others Registered
Campus  Marion Technical College120
Program  Credit120
College  Engineering120
Department  Engineering Tech125
Curriculum  Electrical Engineer124
Population  Semester125